The Signs, Effects, And Treatment Options For Alcohol Abuse

It’s not always easy to see your level of drinking go past the normal moderate or social drinking to problem drinking. If alcohol is a way to get away from your problems, then you are heading down a dangerous path. You never notice when you are turning into an alcoholic, until it’s too late. Some of the signs of alcoholism are;

You feel guilty and ashamed of your drinking.
You hide your drinking habits and lie to others.
Your friends and family are worried about your drinking.
You need a shot in order to feel better. If you don’t, you feel sick or tired.
You cannot control yourself when drinking.
You forget what happens when you drink.
You start neglecting your family and any other responsibilities you have. For example skipping work, classes, neglecting your kids, or skipping out on commitment because of a hangover.
You start getting arrested more often for driving under the influence of alcohol or disorderly conduct.
You drink more despite the fact that it’s causing problems in your relationship and work. You also tend to dislike your family for trying to tell you how bad you act when drank.
You drink when you are stressed or want to relax. In case you get into an argument with your wife or family, you opt for the bottle.

Effects Of Alcoholism

Alcoholism increases the risk of cancer and heart disease. It also destroys the liver and this can lead to liver cirrhosis. You can have physical injuries when drunk since your judging is impaired.
Alcohol abuse may lead to divorce, domestic violence or poverty. It also puts a strain on the people around you. They take up the work of cleaning up your mess and covering it up for you. This can affect the kids because most of your time would be spent drinking and not being there for them.


The three main treatment method include;
-Maintenance of sobriety
Alcoholism can have long lasting effects even after you stop, do all your best to avoid alcohol abuse.

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