Abuse Causes

When Alcohol Abuse Runs In Your Family


If you have alcohol abuse in your family, it might be a pretty scary thing. You might think that you could end up abusing it too. It could be a problem and it is possible that you are more likely to abuse it if your parents or grandparents did. However, this is not always the case.

If this is you the best thing to do is make sure you are always aware of how much you are drinking. Make sure you don’t drink too much and find a balance. You shouldn’t have to give it up all together.

If you can, talk to your parents and grandparents about it. They might be able to tell you why they started drinking and how they stopped if they did. Understanding why they started in the first place can help you avoid it in the future.

If someone in your family is still abusing alcohol it might be a good idea to try to get them help. They might not always want to take it but it would be worth giving it a shot. Tell them that you care about them and would love to see them get better.

You can tell them about an AA meeting or a rehab center. It just depends on how bad the addiction is and what would work for them. It can be hard to get them to see they have a problem and sometimes you just have to be really patient.

It would be a good idea to work with some of your other family members. It can be a good idea to bounce ideas off of them or figure out ways to help your other family member. It would be nice to not have to go through all of it by yourself.